Visit 参访寺院


Hall of Compassion

Hall of Compassion 大悲殿

Daily: 8am – 4pm  | 每天开放  早上8时至下午4时

The Hall of Great Compassion, symbolising the great compassion of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva

Hall of No Form

Hall of No Form 无相殿

Daily: 8am – 4pm | 每天开放 早上8时至下午4时

The Hall of No Form is located on the fourth level of the Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall.

Hall of Great Strength

Hall of Great Strength 大雄宝殿

Daily: 8am – 4pm | 每天开放 早上8时至下午4时

The Hall of Great Strength is dedicated to the historical founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha.

Hall of Ambrosia Precepts

Hall of Ambrosia Precepts 甘露戒堂

Daily: 8am – 4pm | 每天开放 早上8时至下午4时

The Hall of Ambrosia Precepts is where Bhikshus (monks) and Bhikshunis (nuns) receive their precepts.

Hall of Medicine Buddha

Hall of Medicine Buddha 药师殿

Daily: 8am – 4pm | | 每天开放 早上8时至下午4时

Located on the 2nd level of the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas,is the Medicine Buddha of healing and medicine.

Hall of Universal Brilliance

Hall of Universal Brilliance 光明殿

Daily: 8am – 4pm | 每天开放 早上8时至下午4时

The Hall of Brilliance houses three Buddha statues, symbolising the Buddhas of the past, present and future


Hall of Compassion

Memorial 纪念馆

Every 27th lunar month: 10am – 3pm

The Venerable Hong Choon Museum contains the great Venerable’s personal belongings and relics

Garden & Koi Pond

Garden & Koi Pond 龙池 | 锦鲤池

All Day

Enjoy the peace and quiet of a spiritual sanctuary.

Book & Souvenir Shop

Book & Souvenir Shop 书籍 | 礼品店

Daily: 9am – 4.30pm

Shop for religious items and Dharma books at Awareness place outlet next to our reception.


Hall of Pureland

Hall Of Pureland 净土堂

Daily: 8am – 4pm

On the 1st level of the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Hall of Pureland houses the ancestral tablets and statue of Amitabha Buddha

Pu Tong and Pu An Columbaria

Pu Tong and Pu An Columbaria 普同塔 | 普安塔

Daily: 8am – 4pm

Pu Tong Columbarium was rebuilt in 2006 into a four-storey, fully air-conditioned columbarium


Crematorium 火化 场

Daily: 8am – 4pm

Crematorium went through refurbishment in 2000,