Visiting Hours 参访时间

We welcome everyone to visit from Mondays to Sundays, including public holidays.


As this is a place for veneration, visitors are expected to keep speaking volume  low in all shrine halls. The temple reserves the right to remove any person acting in an unacceptable manner.


Please dress in proper attire by covering the shoulders and knees when visiting the monastery.



  Opening Hours 开放时间
Front Office 寺务处
Reception Office 接待处
8.30am – 4.30pm
8.30am – 5pm
Monastery Gates 山门Gate 1 & 2
Gate 3
Gate 4 & 5
4am -10pm
4am – 8.30pm
4am – 6.45pm
Shrine Halls 殿堂Hall of Great Compassion
Hall of Great Strength
Hall of Medicine Buddha
Hall of No Form
Hall of Ambrosia Precepts
Hall of Universal Brightness
7am – 5pm
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
Ancestral Halls 功德堂Hall of Pureland
Hall of Merits
Pu Tong Columbarium
Pu An Columbarium
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
8am – 4pm
Others 其他Awareness Place @ KMSPKS

Zen Garden & Ponds
9am – 4.30pm
8am – 4pm