Parents Dharma Class

Join KMS Dharma School’s 2018 Dharma class for parents to learn how to integrate Buddhist teachings in in the home environment to set-up a happy and harmonious Buddhist family.


  • Application of Dharma in family context
  • Mindfulness in daily life
  • Buddhist etiquette



  • 佛法生活化
  • 正念闻思修
  • 佛教礼仪

Date / 日期:
• English Sessions:  24 Feb – 29 Sep 2018 |  4.15pm – 5.30pm Sat
• 中文班: 2018年2月24日至9月29日  | 下午2时45分至4时  星期六

Venue / 地点:
• Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | Level 1 | Classrooms 9
• 宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 1楼 | 9号课室

Fee / 费用:
• Parents of KMS Dharma School student: $10 ( *15-20 sessions  )
• 光明山少儿佛学班学生的家长: $10 ( *15至20堂课 )
• Public 公众: $30

To Register / 上网报名:

  • KMS Dharma School students’ parents
  • Public 公众
  • Reception Office @ KMSPKS | 9am – 4pm | 接待处 | 上午9时至4时

Closing: 28 July 2018 or when fully registered | 7月28日或名额限满为止

Enquiry / 询问: 6849 5300 |

Note / 注意事项: There will be no refunds for any sessions missed  | 如有缺席,恕不退款

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