Art of Mindful and Healthy Culinary Art

Zen Temple Cuisine 日本禅寺烹饪

Buddhist monks in Japan uses culinary as part of their spiritual practice where the essence of cooking is about mindfulness and enjoyment. Join us to learn tricks and tips on how to prepare these Zen Temple vegetarian cuisines with mindfulness and love that are both delicious and nourishing to our being.

日本出家众把烹饪当成他们修行的一部分,而烹饪的精要为正念与喜悦 。学习如何用正念与慈爱准备滋养身心的美味素食菜肴。前来参与这充满互动性的烹饪班,并学习烹饪技巧,为您的亲朋戚友准备美味的素食飨宴!

About the Instructor 培训老师
Ms Anne Wong 黄月爱 (Veteran Chef 资深厨师) had established an English teahouse which also incorporated Dim Sum with a central kitchen to supply to numerous outlets. Subsequently, she provided 15 years of catering services for corporate events. Anne’s much sought-after professional knowledge and experience had also led to her being headhunted to set up an internal control system for an overseas factory. Upon her return, Anne continued her culinary journey and became an Executive Chef with an international organisation until her recent retirement.

黄老师曾开设一间融合点心的西式茶座, 并以其中央厨房供应糕点给数间商店。后来,黄老师也为企业项目提供餐饮服务多达十五年。黄老师备受追捧的专业知识与经验让她受外国公司卿睬并聘请她设立厂内部的管理系统。回国后,黄老师在一家国际机构担任行政总厨至到近期的荣休并持续着她的烹饪之旅

03/3/2018 (Sat) | 2pm – 4pm  2018年3月03日(星期六)| 下午2时至4时
Lesson1 堂课1  Cuisine 佳肴
• Asparagus with Walnut-Miso Dressing 特制核桃味噌酱拌芦笋
• Mashed Pumpkin with Water Chestnut 特制南瓜泥拌马蹄

10/3/2018 (Sat) | 2pm – 4pm   2018年3月10日(星期六)| 下午2时至4时
Lesson 2 堂课2   Cuisine 佳肴
• Eggplant with Goma Dressing 特制戈马酱拌茄子
• Nagaimo Chawan Mushi 山药茶碗蒸

Venue 地点:
Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | Level 2 | Dining Hall  宏船老和尚纪念堂 二楼 | 斋堂

Fee 课程收费:
$100.00 per person for both lessons 每人两堂课 $100

To Register 报名:
• Online registration (上网报名)
• Reception Office @ KMSPKS (光明山普觉禅寺接待处) | 9am – 4pm

Closed Date 报名截止日期: When fully registered 额满为止

Enquiry: 6849 5300 |


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