Basics of Healthy Vegetarian Diet 素食营养初级班

Level 1: The Basics of Healthy Vegetarian Diet (2 Sessions)

This comprehensive course details all that you need to know on how to balance a nutritious plant-based diet, what are the do’s and don’ts, as well as survival skills to ensure an enjoyable journey into vegetarian lifestyle.

Level 2: Organic Living (1 Session)

This will bring you to the next level from healthy vegetarian, by understanding the benefits of organic food. Learn how to identify organic food, and how to harness the power organic food to achieve a life full of vitality


• 讲解如何从植物摄取均衡的营养,概括健康素食方法的要领与误区。
• 传授素食入门必备的善巧技术与心态,以让初学者能愉悦地,逐渐地把素食实践于日常生活中


• “ 有机人生”将让您更深入的理解健康素食。
• 内容涵盖理解有机食品的益处,如何辨认有机食品,认识现代食品危机,以及如何透过正确有机饮食法,让生活充满活力。

Trainer: Wong Kee Yew ( Bach of Biotechnology (Honours), Founder & Principal of The Veg School )
讲师简介: 黄其銚 (生物工艺学士, 素食学校创办人兼校长)


Level 2: Organic Living (1 Session)
• 26 Sep 2018 (Wed)
• 19 Nov 2018 (Mon)

Level 2: Organic Living (1 Session) 
• 21 Nov 2018 (Wed)

日期: 2018年3月14日及5月23日( 星期三)

日期:2018年8月8日( 星期三)

Fee:$125 (3 Sessions) 学费:$125元 (3堂课)

Venue: Awareness Hub 普觉坊 | Blk 231, Bain Street, #03-15, Bras Basah Complex

To Register:
• The Basics of Healthy Vegetarian Diet  Online registration 
营养课程初级班 上网报名
• Reception Office @KMSPKS | 9am – 4pm 亲临接待处@KMSPKS | 上午9时至下午4时
• Awareness Hub | 11.30am – 6pm 亲临普觉坊 | 上午11时30分至傍晚6时

Closing Date:1 week before date of commencement or when class is fully registered
Enquiry: 6336 5067 |

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