Community Food Ration

Join us to collect, pack, and deliver food to 120 needy residents identified by Thomson Sin Ming Ville Resident Committee. Let’s get together once a month for a meaningful cause to provide a helping hand to those in need.


Date / 日期* Every Month 每个月
Next date: 20 May 2018

Time / 时间 9am – 11:30am 上午9时至11时30分

Venue / 地点 Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | Level 1 | Ju Yuan Fang

宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 1楼 | 聚缘坊

To Register / 报名

Online registration – 上网报名

Kindly register using the link as provided before coming on that day.

Reception Office @ KMSPKS | 9am – 4pm / 本寺接待处 | 上午9时至下午4时

Enquiry  6849 5300 or | [Poster]

* Event Date subject to changes.
