Dharma 佛学

The development of three prajnas: Listening, Contemplation and Meditation is very much emphasized in the path of Buddhism.  The primary stage – Listen or Study of dharma, is a profound ways of accumulating merit .

闻、思、修是智慧熏习的方法,而闻法是智慧的入门。 听闻佛法的功德是无量的。欢迎您前来了解佛法,种植慧根。

佛理讲座 2018

  闻、思、修是智慧熏习的方法,而闻法是智慧的入门。 听闻佛法的功德是无量的。倾听我们的佛理讲座,以基本到深广的佛典来了解佛法,种植慧根。   法师授课, 导师简介: 传庆法师...

Sunday Dharma Practice

Join us every Sunday to cultivate a healthy mind. The 3-month sessions consist of a short chanting, guided meditation and Dharma talk by Venerable Ren Xu.

Nun’s Campus Intake 2018

The Basic Monastic Training course is a two-year training programme catering specifically to the newly-ordained or those who wish to seek ordination.

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