Ullambana, commonly known as “Seventh Lunar Month” or “Hungry Ghost Festival”, is a celebration of Filial Piety. We show gratitude to our parents and ancestors by remembering and paying respects to them.
On the 15 of the seventh lunar month each year, Buddhists participate in the Ullambana Festival to make offerings to the Sangha of the ten directions. This is done to liberate beings of the three lower realms from suffering, so as to repay the deep kindness of parents.
:: Events 活动 ::
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva prayer Ceremony 地藏追思报恩法会
On the 1st to 9th of the Seventh Lunar month, our monastery would conduct a nine day “Ksitigarbha’s Rememberance and Repaying of Kindness Puja”. Venerable Sirs would lead in the recitation of “The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows” and dedicate it to world peace, well-being of citizens, deliverance of the deceased, and the auspiciousness of those living. 于农历七月初一至九,本寺将启建九天《地藏追思报恩法会》,届时将由法师带领大众念诵《地藏菩萨本愿功德经》,以祈世界和平,人民安乐,先亡得度,现眷吉祥。
Ullambana Puja 盂兰盆超度法会
On the 15th of the Seventh Lunar month, our monastery traditional ” Ullambana Puja” Sutra Recitation invites devotees to make offering to the deceased on this auspiciousness occasion.
于农历七月十五日 ,本寺将启建《盂兰盆超度法会》,由法师念诵经文,欢迎信徒为先亡得度,现眷吉祥。