Chinese New Year 农历新年

Chinese New Year is an important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar. Celebrations traditionally run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar.

In KMSPKS, devotees will gather at the monastery near midnight on Chinese New Year’s eve to usher in the new year with auspicious chimes of the bell and participate in the prayers.

农历新年 是华人一个重要的传统喜庆日子。庆典从腊月的最后一天除夕至正月十五日;这是农历最长的欢庆日子。 除夕晚,信众会前来本寺,参与开年诵经礼佛、聆听吉祥清晰的祈福钟声。

Lunar Dates 农历Offerings 项目
1st – 9th day 初一至初九Offering to The Buddha 供佛
9th day 初九Offering to the Heavenly Realms 斋天
10th day 初十Blessings 消灾值福
15th day 十五Enhancement of Blissfulness 保运

Enquiry: 6849 5300 |


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Chinese New Year is an important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar. Celebrations traditionally run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar.

In KMSPKS, devotees will gather at the monastery near midnight on Chinese New Year’s eve to usher in the new year with auspicious chimes of the bell and participate in the prayers.

