New Year & Alms Offering 元旦与托钵供僧

Join us to usher in the new year with 108 chimes of the bell!

Our Abbot will strike the bell 108 times. As you focus on the auspicious and refreshing chimes, you can regain clarity and experience inner peace. Remember to make aspirations for yourself and those around you too.

Seed your aspirations in the auspicious resonance of the bell and let the harmony carries them across the ten directions.

Alms Offering

According to the Sutra of Generosity, one can benefit in these five areas – beauty, strength, longevity, happiness and eloquence – by making offerings to the Triple Gem. Venerable Maudgalyayana and Emperor Liang had offered food to the Sangha on behalf of their loved ones to help them be liberated from the three lower realms.

Offering alms to the Sangha is a meritorious act as it allows the monastics to concentrate on their learning, practising and sharing of the Buddha’s teachings. You can choose from various offering packages or make monetary donations at our Front Office. All donations will be utilised for the building and funding of the Buddhist College of Singapore.





  • 身相端莊
  • 氣力增盛
  • 壽命延長
  • 快樂安穩
  • 成就辯才。



31 Dec

  • Aspiration Lamp Offering
  • Bell Resonance 108 times
  • Recitation of The 88 Great Buddha Names & The Great Repentance Ceremony

1 Jan Alms offering   8.00 am – 10.00 am.| The Hall Of Great Compassion

  • Offering to Heavenly Realms
  • The Grand Diamond Gem Repentance Ceremony


  • 供许愿灯
  • 108闻钟声
  • 诵念八十八佛洪名和礼忏“大忏悔文”。

1月1日     早上8时至10时 | 大悲殿

  • 斋天(供天)
  • 礼拜 金刚宝忏
  • 托钵供僧


Alms Offerings

Kindly register and purchase the listed packages at our Front Office. Offering packages will be available near the month before event.

e.g. BOUNTIFUL HARVEST PACKAGE $48 Food and Medication
       ABUNDANCE PROSPERITY PACKAGE $388 Daily Necessities

托钵供僧: 有关报名与选购托钵供僧礼盒,请到本寺的寺务处询问。托钵供僧礼盒的详情,将在接近托钵供僧时公布。

  • Kindly note that there are limited parking lots in the Monastery. You are, therefore, urged to use public transport.
  • Word of caution : Kindly note that staff and volunteers are NOT authorised to solicit donations for this event.
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