Vegetarian Food 素食斋堂

Located on the second floor of Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall is the dining hall where Sangha members and devotees have their mindful meals.

斋堂 (五观堂) 设在宏船老和尚纪念堂二楼,是法师和公众用餐的地方。从素食到正念用餐,都能在这里体验!


Do You Know? 您是否知道?

  • The dining hall can accommodate a total of 116 round tables. about 928 people can eat together at one time.
  • On the eve of Vesak, the dining hall operates overnight. Food and drinks are prepared for devotees participating in the Vesak activities.
  • Temple encourages mindful eating in the dining hall. Mindfulness in queuing, collecting food and consumption.
  • On occasion where there are chanting by sangha members during mealtime, one can practice observation of silence or meal contemplation together.
  • 斋堂里可容纳一百十六张圆桌。可供928人同时用餐。
  • 斋堂卫塞节前夕通宵开放,提供饮食给参与庆典的信众享用。
  • 斋堂鼓励大家练习正念用餐。正念安静排队、领取自己食量的食物。放慢步伐,用心感受。
  • 有僧众在用餐之前后诵经,信众可念诵五项正念观想, 或应安静等候。

 We Offer Vegetarian 为您提供素食好滋味

Weekends/Special Days 周末/节日

Free lunch for public on the following days*:

  • Every Sunday
  • 1st and 15th day of every lunar month
  • 27th day of every lunar month (food will be served in tables of 8 to 10 persons on this day)

*Subject to changes

Sale of Vegetarian Mixed Rice

  • Every Sunday
  • Every Weekends during Qing Ming and Ulambana period


  •  每逢星期日
  •  每逢农历初一和十五日
  •  每逢农历每月廿七


素杂菜饭 只在周日销售

Seasonal 季节

Chinese New Year Period
Vegetarian Steamboat and Yusheng available at lunch time.

Qing Ming, Dumplings Festival and Ulambana.
Traditional dumplings handmade by monastery and its volunteers

Mid autumn festival
Vegetarian Moon Cake of various popular favours available.

火锅预定热线:请拨打6849 5333与寺务处询问




Kitchen Highlight 斋堂推荐



素粽每粒 $2.50

日期 30/3/2018 起
时间 上午9时至下午2时30分
请至斋堂购买· 售完为止

Vegetarian steamboat 素火 锅

S$28 nett

Mon to Sat: 10.30am-1pm
Sun: 9am-2pm

Each table can serve up to 5 pax
注: 火锅加料
菇类, 时菜, 豆腐, 冬粉 (每份$2)

Enquiry & reservation  询问/ 预定热线
Please call Front Office at 6849 5333

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