Guided Tour 导览

With a history of more than 90 years, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (KMSPKS) is one of the largest Buddhist monasteries in Singapore providing a sanctuary for monks and devotees to practise.

The monastery organizes guided tours on request. To find out more , drop us an email at or join our next guided tour schedule to understand the rich history of KMSPKS and culture of Buddhism.

请电邮到 guidedtour@kmspks.org报名参加本寺所举办每个月的寺院导览。

Guided Tour Schedule 导览

Date/日期:  28 Jan, 25 Mar,  29 Apr 2018  I Sunday 星期日
Time/时间: 10.00am – 12.00pm
Online Registration/上网报名:
Free of Charge *Donations of any amount are welcome   随意乐捐

Enquiry/询问: 6849 5300 |

Meeting Point/集合地点:
Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | Level 1 (Ju Yuan Fang)  宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 一楼

Dress Code/服饰:
No shorts & low-cut tops  请避免穿短裤或露肩装

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